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tick control in cleveland

Tick Control in Cleveland & Surrounding Areas

No matter the kind of ticks you may find inflicting your pets, loved ones or home, Defense Pest Control can thoroughly wipe them out. Call us today to get started!

Indoor & Outdoor Yard Tick Control

Defense Pest Control has been providing premium pest control services to the local businesses and homes to Greater Cleveland and Northeast and Northwest areas of Ohio since 2005. We are fully insured and licensed with the best certified technicians in the industry. Among the many pest control services Defense Pest Control offers to commercial businesses and residential homes is Tick Control.

Defense Pest Control is the leading pest control company servicing residential homes and commercial businesses in the greater Cleaveland area. Our certified technicians have advanced training, years of experience, and utilize professional equipment and exclusive products to give our valued customers the best custom pest control services.

30 day gaurantee pest control

Tick Species Found in Ohio

The ticks found throughout Ohio are not only obnoxious bloodsuckers, but they can potentially spread tick-borne diseases and ailments. There are several species of ticks in our area, but the more common ticks reigning terror on Ohioans are American Dog Ticks, Blacklegged Ticks also known as Deer Ticks, and Lone Star Ticks. For your information, Defense Pest Control would like to breakdown the more common ticks that can be found imposing on you, your pets, and found around the outside or inside of your Greater Cleveland and Northeast and Northwest areas of Ohio home.

American Dog Tick Identification & Rocky Mountain Fever & Tularemia Diseases

American Dog Ticks have also been known as dog ticks or wood ticks. Ticks feature four pairs of legs, classifying them as part of the arachnid family. The American Dog tick is one of the larger ticks in the area. Males measure about 1/8” in size and females are slightly larger, however after the female has feasted and becomes engorged, she measures closely to ½”. During the lifespan of an American Dog tick, they will often have three different hosts per each cycle. After they hatch, American Dog ticks only bear six legs like an insect and are larvae. They will skitter on the first available host using their exceptionally fine-tuned climbing skills. As larvae, they will cling onto smaller animals like mice, squirrels, rabbits, and other such creatures. After the bloody meal, it will drop off the host, molt, and cycle into the nymph stage, bearing eight legs. They will find a new host, usually something bigger, but whatever is around will do. It will then banquet for six days, remove itself, molt and be an adult tick, choosing a new bigger yet host, like a deer, canine, or human for example. American Dog ticks have been linked to spreading Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Tularemia and may also carry Human Granulocytic Ehrlichiosis.

Deer Tick or Blacklegged Tick Bites Can Spread Lyme Disease

Humans are usually chosen as hosts by accidents, and Blacklegged ticks are also known as Deer ticks for being frequently discovered on white-tailed deer. Their life cycle is similar to the American Dog tick. They are only about ½ the size of the American Dog Tick. Deer ticks prefer the woodland areas and usually stick to the wildlife areas. They will climb up tall blades of grass to grab onto a host passing by. Hikers might get them as they traverse the woods, but more often than not, the deer ticks intermingle with domestic animals in areas where deer might wonder into. Deer ticks are widely known as ticks spreading Lyme disease.

Lone Star Ticks Can Transmit Ehrlichiosis & STARI

Lone Star ticks have similar life cycles as the other ticks. Lone Star tick females have a distinct white dot or star-shape on their back. Males don’t possess the one white marking that acts as a shield, but they have multiple spotting along the back. They are more likely to be seen hosting on cattle, dogs, cats, and humans. Lone Star ticks can potentially spread Ehrlichiosis, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, STARI (Southern Tick-Associated Rash Illness) which is sometimes confused with Lyme disease, Tularemia, and Q fever.

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Contact us today for a free estimate and let our experienced technicians keep you safe and pest free.


Defense Pest Control

Pest Control Service

Phone: (216) 400-5196

Phone: (216) 400-5857

5457 Pine Lane

Solon, OH 44139

License Number: 101246



8:00 AM–7:00 PM
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8:00 AM–7:00 PM

8:00 AM–7:00 PM
By Appointment


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